These are just a few of the pictures I took with Amanda in the past couple of weeks. We've really been working on some technique. The first week, we set our aperture to 5.6, then adjusted shutter speed and ISO. Last week, we played with different apertures. I'm really enjoying learning more about my new camera!
I took tons of pictures of the geese. I just think they are so beautiful! I was really impressed with how close they let us get to them too!
Well, this is what I have been up to lately.
Something else I've been working on is fun activities for me and Luke to do. We like to color, read, and play with bubbles (he can actually say "bubble"!!). We also love Little Einsteins and the Disney channel, but I really don't want him to watch that much TV. I'm trying to figure out new activities. What do you guys do?