Anyway, Monkey is doing great!! He is so big now...almost 22 months! I am so not ready for him to turn two yet! He is saying so many things now..he puts sentences together.
He says:
"I want that"
"I go"
"What ya doing?"
"I want down."
"I do it."....and much more. He surprises me everyday with the things he is learning. We have lowered his bed and lowered the railing, but for some reason he doesn't climb out. I'm not sure about that. I just want him to get the feel of a big kid bed before too long. Maybe we'll switch him to a big kid bed in nine months or so...
Mr. Red is still working hard at his job. There are days when I just want him to find a new job. Other days, I am so grateful for the time we have that I forget why I dislike the job. He likes it, and for me, I guess that's good enough. I just hope they don't have anymore lay's easier to find a job when you still have one.
We're getting into a fun routine around here...we go for stroller walks and bike rides. Mr. Red and I are trying to stay in shape, which is really difficult with his job, but we're making due. It's just a good way for us to connect and spend time as a family! I highly recommend it to anyone looking for family time! Little Monkey loves it outside! I hope he stayes that way. I don't want him to be addicted to games and keep him in the house. There's too much outside to miss.
I have a new job!!!! I am so excited and proud to be the new Lead Teacher for the 2 1/2 - 3 year old room at Central Christian Academy! I start orientation at the end of next week and I just couldn't be happier! Finally, I feel like I am where God is leading, and I am not the one trying to hold the reigns. So many times, it's easy to think, "Oh, I can take care of this, God. I'll call you when I need You." Well, we always need God and He is always leading whether we realize it or not. Listen, be still, listen to His whisper and movement. He may be subtle, but He is there, always. Rely on Him.
Also, I am trying out the whole self business route. I am a new Avon Sales representative! I wasn't too sure about it at first, but turns out I really like it! So, if you would like to talk about Avon or see what we have, my website is You can go there and view products, E-mail me, or even order 24/7. If you're not interested, there's no hard feelings. Just thought I'd put it out there.
Anywho, on to the pictures. These are old pics, from April. Little Monkey and Baby M had an Easter Egg hunt at our old house. It was such a beautiful day! These pics aren't edited, but I just wanted to post an update for you. I'll try to catch you up over the next little while so you can see just how big this boy is getting!
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