So, hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't written in so long, but life has been pretty crazy!
We've been so busy! In July we took a spur of the moment vacation to Indiana to see my Grandpa. That was great....12 hour drive with Luke wasn't so bad surprisingly. Then Jesse had to go to Texas for 3 was awful! He came home on the weekends but I was still lonely. I stayed with my parents for 2 of the weeks and in the apartment by myself (well, with Luke) for the last week. After that, I had summer school and was still working part time at Baptist in LR. And I guess that brings us up to speed.
Cool Luke Facts:
Started crawling at the end of June
Was pulling up by July
Started using a push walker in August
No new teeth, but he's drooling and chewing on everything
Tried eggs...big NO-NO! Allergic reactions are kinda scary
Eats yogurt now everyday! and loves it!
Had ice cream for the first time last weekend at the Crackle barrel with Grandma and Grandpa McClendon
Cries now when Jesse and I leave
Moving to the sippy cup (a big boy now)
Still doesn't like real solids...spits them out
Eats puree meals, but still not sure about the level 3 jars
Wakes up every morning and stands in the crib, shaking the crib..haha
Is going for his first bike ride this weekend!! We got a bike seat for him! I'm so excited!
Sorry, I stole this format from you Amanda, but it just seemed easier so I could catch up. Hope you don't mind =) Thanks!

Eating at Chili's with my best friend, Susan! Luke loves the coasters!

Yep, he loves to eat them! He gave us a scare...when he pulled this out of his mouth, part of it was missing. Mommy had to fish cardboard out of his mouth. Yikes!

Susan and her favorite nephew...Luke

In the walker at Grandma
McClendon's house.

Luke showing off his skills with the handed no less!
Well, guys, I hope to write more often. Sorry it's been so long!